Monday, July 1, 2013

Set Modem 3G on Android-x86

An experimental support of 3G USB modem has been pushed into
donut-x86 branch of the git server. Use repo sync to get it.
The tested 3G USB modem is Huawei E160.
Just plugin the USB modem, then you should see
the radio signal icon at top right corner becomes active.
Now you can use Messaging to send or recive short messages.
To test 3G internet connection, you have to use command line.
Use Terminal (or Alt-F1) to run "start ppp". Then use
"netcfg" to check if the connection is established.
Since it's an experimantal feature, some settings are hardcoded.
If your 3G modem is not the same as mime, you may
have to modify them by hand before building the iso:
* Driver for 3G USB modem is set to "option" module.
  (in 0-auto-detect script, EXTMOD variable)
* 3G internet port is set to /dev/ttyUSB0
  (in system/core/rootdir/etc/ppp/peers/gprs)
* 3G MMS port is set to /dev/ttyUSB1
  (in vendor/asus/eeepc/init.rc, service ril-daemon)
Good luck and enjoy the new feature.